Friday, August 2, 2013

Chloe 6 Months!

I know all moms say this all the time, but seriously?!! 6 Months?? Time is going sooo fast. I love this age so much, I remember saying this when Landon was 6 months, it's my favorite age. Their little personalities are starting show, for the most part they aren't very mobile, they still sleep a lot, it's just so fun.

Chloe continues to melt my heart daily. I love this girl so much, I can hardly remember what life was like 6 months ago, it feels like she's been a part of us forever. She is the perfect addition to our family. She has such a sweet way about her, I keep waiting for her to stop being the most easy baby ever. She cries when she's sleepy, and sometimes when she's hungry, otherwise she only squeals or keeps quiet minding her own business. She loves watching Lando play, and she's starting to be very interested in her own toys. She has a stuffed hippo that she loves to put in her mouth, and she is a big fan of her exersaucer.

She is still sleeping like a champ. She goes to bed at 7 or 8 and sleeps until 7. She wakes up around 3for a feeding still, which like I said last month I am totally okay with cause she's really tiny and could use some extra grub :) She takes 3 naps a day, its lovely. When her and Landon are both asleep its my nap/gossip girl/shower/blog/oreos & milk time. (haha is it bad that I wait until the boy is asleep to have my oreos so I don't have to risk sharing with him??)

She is slowly starting to eat solids, and her doctor has quite a different approach than we did with Landon. It's basically saying "bye bye" to the pureed baby food and moving straight to table foods cut in chloe sizes and letting her decide if she wants to put it in her mouth. I think it's smart for a lot of reasons, but I'm also a little unsure of how to go about it. I will probably still give her pureed baby food here and there, but I think this new way of introducing solids is pretty great. It allows us all to eat around the table at the same time without me having to stop to feed chloe, it also will help her get used to real foods which supposedly will help with pickiness later on..fingers crossed that it works!...Have you met her brother?? Pickiest toddler on the planet.  

Her stats from her appointment yesterday:

14.4 lbs 13% (haha I said she's just a tiny!)
26.5 Inches 70%

1 comment:

Helen said...

How does your 6 month old already have more hair than my 2 year old?! & she is almost the exact same size as Oliver, except he's half an inch shorter! Haha he's a teeny guy!