Friday, October 5, 2012

Landon turned 2!

Well, this post is a bit late but better late than never. My sweet boy turned 2 a few weeks ago! I can't believe how fast time is flying by. He is such a fun little guy, he never ceases to entertain me. Right now he's sitting next to me on the couch covered in his blankie and holding a baby doll (and burping her) while watching cars 2 very intently. 

His favorite movies/shows are Cars 1 and 2, toy story 3 (he likes all of them but likes the 3rd best) Thomas the train, and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. Most of his birthday presents this year consisted of cars and trains, and he was excited about every single one. He absolutely loves being here with carson, because he too is super excited about cars and trains.

He is a super picky eater, but we've changed up some things with his diet and schedule and its working out better now. He still loves his ovaltine, but we've limited that to 2 times a day and only after breakfast and dinner, otherwise he's too full to eat. He has a fruit smoothie or a can of vegetable juice every day. It's the strangest thing, he wont eat hardly anything yet he really enjoys a can of v8. I don't get it..but I'm grateful he likes it. Other that those kinds of things, we stick to typical toddler food..pb and j, cereal, mac and  cheese, chicken nuggets, etc. Some days its nearly impossible to get him to eat any of that, but we just keep trying! but he's growing like a weed so I can't be too concerned.

He takes one nap a day, and sleeps anywhere from an hour and a half to 3 hours. He goes to bed at night around 9 and wakes up at 7. For the most part he falls asleep with us and then we put him in his bed. We are trying to break that habit but we know it probably wont be too effective until we move into our own place in a few weeks. For now we are just grateful that he sleeps well, and for the most part is comfortable in his big boy bed.

He is talking like crazy, and I feel like in the last month or so his vocabulary has doubled! He forms full sentences, and speaks pretty clearly..unless he's throwing a fit, then we usually don't have a clue what he's trying to tell us. haha.

He suddenly has become extremely oppinionated. ESPECIALLY when it comes to what he is wearing. He changes his clothes multiple times a day, and usually when he finally settles on an outfit its a lightning mcqueen pj top, plaid shorts, and tennis shoes. It's pretty funny, but it can get really frustrating. I just have to laugh about it now right?

He is starting to understand that there is a baby in my belly and he likes to pat my stomach and talk to to his little sister. I can't wait for these two lottles to meet!

I'm sure there's more to say about my sweetie pie, but those are the basics. He's a great 2 year old and I'm trying my best to be as patient as possible with him because I know I am really going to miss these days. I love him more every single day, and couldn't be more grateful. Happy Birthday to my Landon!!

1 comment:

Caitlin said...

HAppy birthday Landon!