Friday, August 24, 2012

St Louis so far!

These pictures came from my phone and are unfortunately in no order. But here is a preview of what we've been up to the last week, and what we will be doing for the next 7 weeks! We are having such a blast, and landon is being such a good boy. We are blessed.
The second half of our flight was on the smallest plane I have ever been on. It was a full house with seriously like 25 passengers.

We went to a festival where landon was the happiest boy when he saw this train set.

Landon, Carson, and Reese are becoming the best of friends. Look at those smiles!

Sno Biz, the most amazing shaved ice place. I've been waiting for years to get my hands on one. It surely did not dissapoint.


On the teeny plane, we weren't even aloud to bring landon's carseat because it wouldnt fit down the aisle! Lucky for us he was so proud to be in a big boy seat and even slept for a bit. (if the flight was more than 2 hours this would have NEVER worked out)

The amazingness of caramel apple shaved ice, yeah thats caramel sauce in the middle of my green apple shaved ice. uh huh.

We took a trip to the neighborhood pool and once again, Landon was a very happy boy.. he even went down the frog slide.

All american boy with floaties and a capri sun at the pool. I can't think of anything better on a summer day.
We have loved every minute! More pictures and stories to come.. hopefully we invest in a real camera soon so I dont have to deal with my phone. Love to all my californians, I miss you!

1 comment:

Aleigh Joy Moore said...

I'm so glad you are having fun :) Landon looks so big! I miss you guys!