Thursday, June 7, 2012

On a thursday

Today was beautiful. Baked bread..took a nap with my lando..played on the grass..and best of all went on a date to the Temple with my love bug. It was so nice to just be with him. He's been so busy with school, its so great to have some time to ourselves every once in a while..and what better way then go to the temple! On the drive home we seemed to talk non stop about our sweet Landon. We laughed at the way he says when he wants to hold a baby (or baby doll as he calls them) he stretches his arms out and says "ah hand" ..or how how grandma is now "monay" ??? We don't get it either. We love how when he wakes up sad in the middle of the night he walks over to our bed and points to it and says "dat one" and then snuggles with us for a while. We talked about how every morning he loves to eat breakfast with daddy..ovaltine is always the first thing he wants and he gets the can from the pantry and brings it to whoever is up with him. we are so blessed to have this little man in our lives..I can't believe he's not even 2 yet, and I feel like I've known and loved that little face for an eternity. Tonight reminded me of how lucky I am..I can't believe where I'm at in my life and how there is no where else I would rather be.

did I mention there's a wee one in my belly? The little will be joining us in February and I'm thrilled.


Aleigh Joy Moore said...

:):) Such a happy post! I love your sweet family and the littlest Moore on the way! :)

Shaun, Alyssa & Addyson said...

Yay! Congratulations! So excited for you!

Caitlin said...

Michelle! Congrats! That is so exciting! I was wondering when you would make Landon a big brother! Hope the pregnancy is going well!

Helen said...

Wooo hooo!! So excited for you guys & big bro Landon! He sounds like such a sweetie! Love you guys!