Monday, March 12, 2012

As Promised, a cupcake recipe!

**I am not a photographer, and yes these pictures were taken on my phone, don't judge..**
I love to bake, and most of my free time is spent in the kitchen. Last night as I searched through my cookbook I knew I wanted something chocolate, who doesn't? I came across this Cocoa Fudge Cake and I knew it had to be in my belly. You should know that I dont love cake, but let me tell you there are some chocolate cakes, especially if the word fudge is in the title that will get me everytime.. (I'm also not a fudge eater, wierd? very.) I loved this recipe so much that I couldn't keep it to myself, and NO I did not make it up, I'm simply not scientific enough for that sort of thing, but let me tell you, I am darn good at following a recipe ;) lets get started!

 A little trick I learned with baking/cooking is to have all your ingredients mise en place, which is putting all the ingredients you need out in front of you so you are fully aware that you have everything you need. Have you every started making cookies only to realize you only had one small egg when you need 2 large? Just me? So not fun, and a big pain to stop in the middle of your task to run out and grab what you need. blah.

there is no order to adding the ingredients in this recipe, but I'm used to mixing all the dry ingredients first so that's what I did.
I learned my lesson when I made banana bread one time and there was a ball of baking soda that did NOT get mixed properly, when I got that bite in my mouth I was 1) disgusted and felt like I ate poison, and 2)relieved that I didnt serve that to a friend. 
So after I whisked the dries together, I added everything else and mixed on medium speed for about 3 minutes. You want the batter to be a lightish brown color. I was shocked at the difference in my cakes when I mixed it longer (but be careful not to overmix, that could make your cake tough). I'm not sure why it helps, but it makes them smoother and lighter.

The reicipe says to fill your cupcake pans 1/2 full, but i did about 3/4 full becaues I knew I wanted to dip my cooled cakes in the frosting *the frosting is a light and airy 
meringue  type, thus the reason for dipping.

let those babies bake for 20 minutes, and you will have little beauties. *keep an eye on them, I had mine in for 18 minutes and they probably would have been a tad bit better if they were in for a minute or so less. You know your oven best!
1 2/3 Cups all-purpose flower
1 1/2 cups sugar
2/3 cup cocoa
1 1/2 teaspoons baking soda
1 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups buttermilk**
1/2 cup shortening
2 eggs
1 teaspoon vanilla
**I never buy buttermilk, its a waste of money! All you need is milk (any kind) and white distilled vinegar which is dirt cheap. Click here to learn how to make your own buttermilk.

Bake at 350 for about 20 minutes. (If you want to do a 9x13 cake, or a layer cake bake for 35 minutes)

White Mountain just a really fancy name for yummy marshmallow frosting
This was a fun one for me..and a little terrifying. Which is why I'm missing a few pictures, I was preoccupied worrying.

Super simple ingredients, sugar, vanilla, light corn syrup, egg whites, and water! But it does get tricky, especialla for a gal like me who doesn't have a candy thermometer.
Mix sugar, corn syrup and water in a saucepan. Cover and heat to rolling boil. Once its boiling, uncover and let boil until 242 degrees. Uhhh oops. What if I don't have a candy thermometer? EASY PEASY, DONT FREAK OUT. Have a cereal bowl of ice water handy and drop a small amount of the sugar mixture in it, if it forms a firm ball you're A OK. sigh of relief.
 drop 2 egg whites in a bowl (this is the part I was really glad to have my stand mixer, it took some time) beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form.

once you see those pretty stiff peakes form, slowly, ever so slowly, pour your sugar mixture in your egg white mixture (which is still beating at medium speed) Let this beat until, again stiff peaks will look like this!! and if you're like me.. grab a spoon and eat some ;) There's plenty for those precious cakes after all...

 Once your pretty little cuppies are cooled, dip the tops directly in the frosting and swirl them a bit to make sure its evenly coated.. we wanted to get a little creative and fancy so we sprinkled graham cracker crumbs on top. Yum! I loved everything about this frosting, and I have to say it may have even been better today once the frosting really set up.

White Mountain Frosting Recipe
1/2 cup sugar
1/4 cup light corn syrup
2 tablespoons water
2 egg whites
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix sugar, corn syrup and water in a saucepan. Cover and heat to rolling boil. Once its boiling, uncover and let boil until 242 degrees.  What if I don't have a candy thermometer? Have a cereal bowl of ice water handy and drop a small amount of the sugar mixture in it, if it forms a firm ball then you know its ready.
drop 2 egg whites in a bowl and beat the egg whites until stiff peaks form. Once you see those pretty stiff peakes form, slowly, ever so slowly, pour your sugar mixture in your egg white mixture (which is still beating at medium speed) Let this beat until, again stiff peaks form.

The finished product! Indulge! Enjoy! Run a mile!

**Recipe Credit to the original Betty Crocker Cookbook**

1 comment:

Nikki Nielsen said...

Shell! Why hasn't there been a baking section to your blog for years!?!? Perfect. And even though I have zero intention of making these myself because I know you will make them for me one day, I fully enjoyed reading your excitement over these tasty looking beasts. I love your love for baking...because I love to eat your baking.